Introduction to Watching Online TV

online TV

Watching live television online truyền hình trực tuyến is simply the electronic transmission of television programming, such as conventional television programs, as well as live sports events, directly over the Internet. While this technology is not exactly a new one, the delivery method has been making advancements over the last several years. With this type of delivery, programs are transmitted through the Internet from the host computer to a personal computer or a television set at home. Streaming television stands in opposition to terrestrial broadcasting, namely over-the-air terrestrial television delivered through cable, over-the-road radio, and satellite television networks. The primary difference between the two is that, with online video streaming, the video can be viewed on a personal computer, a television set, or both at the same time.

There are two basic types of delivery mechanisms for online tv. Manual transfer is a process wherein a television tuner or an analog TV recorder is used to record the signal and forward it to the television. On the other hand, automatic transfer utilizes a connection of digital video disks (DVRs) to a PC or a TV set. Through the process of automatic transfer, a viewer can watch live television even when the television is switched off. Both methods have their own advantages, depending on the type of channel that is being viewed.

Most online tv services offer both broadcast and on-demand services. In broadcast type of service, consumers get to choose from an array of channels, which are typically selected based on viewers’ location and frequency of tuning. On-demand access is provided by live broadcasts from local networks or channels. The advantage of on-demand access is that the consumer can easily choose programs for a specific time and date.

As far as the on-demand provision is concerned, two distinct kinds are generally available. The first type is known as the live on-demand provision wherein live shows or sports events are exclusively shown on the television at the time and date that has been chosen by the subscriber. The second type is called the on-demand streaming services wherein the program material is made available through streaming services on the internet. Examples of such internet-based TV channels include pay per view events and on-demand movies.

The on-demand type of on-demand TV viewing offers fast accessibility and immediate playback of the programs. Although this type of service is less convenient in some respects (there is no direct connection between the customer and the television set), it provides a more engaging experience. This is because on-demand TV services can deliver high-quality images and sound effects, as well as clear audio quality. However, some broadband connections are not capable of delivering high-quality images and sound effects. Thus, on-demand TV viewing involves a bit of delay on the part of the consumer.

On-demand TV services can be accessed by subscribing to an online television service provider’s package. In order to gain access to such services, one must have a broadband connection. Once signed up, one can start enjoying on-demand tv watching through the provided online television interface. Broadband access is required in order to watch television streaming channels live. If one has a slow internet connection, one may watch television channels live using traditional or software, but it may take longer to watch online television programs through traditional channels due to buffering time, increased waiting time for each new episode or other factors.